this fucking fandom, a rant:

- how have i been a paper sea fan from the start and only just learning that alan's first name is actually nigel??

- only rich white people and nigel thornberry are named nigel

- speaking of rich white guys did you know that alan's dad (hugh dudley cross) is a property developer in london and that alan actually lived in fucking belgravia before they moved to manchester and his parents still have a house there

- alan's sister cassandra's first name is poppy so they basically both go by normal people names to hide and pretend like they aren't posh af.

- they have a grandfather named berkeley

- nobody told me that cass and andy's cousin trevor have met??

- literally everything we've recently learnt about andy's fam despite the fact that he likes to play up the fact that his dad's parents were an electrician and a former nurse

- andy's relationship with harlowe montauk being off and on like crazy because his mom wanted him to get with someone who also had $$$ and doing that would go against this rebellious image they're trying to portray. do people really still think that she was used for anything other than lyric fodder??

- marc richard hindley aka the worst offender bc his grandmother was a lady in waiting for princess maragaret so basically she was a princess herself tbh and apparently his grandparents knew andy's maternal grandparents so they were meant to be bffs from birth

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