Saturn, however, represents a basic line of demarcation between these two opposite forces, galactic and solar. The planets inside of Saturns orbit are mainly creatures and vassals of the sun; while the planets beyond Saturn are what I have called many years ago โ€˜ambassadors of the galaxy.โ€™ They focus upon the solar system the power of this vast community of stars, the galaxy. They do not completely belong to the solar system. They are within its sphere of influence to do a job, to link our small system (of which The sun is the center and Saturnโ€™s orbit is the circumference) with the larger system, the galaxy.

Dane Rudhyar โœฉ


CHART RULER    โง โ€–
Etherial father, mighty Titan, hear,
Great fire of Gods and men, whom all revere:
Endu'd with various council, pure and strong,
To whom perfection and decrease belong.
Consum'd by thee all forms that hourly die,
By thee restor'd, their former place supply;
The world immense in everlasting chains,
Strong and ineffable thy pow'r contains
Father of vast eternity, divine,
O mighty Saturn, various speech is thine:
Blossom of earth and of the starry skies,
Husband of Rhea, and Prometheus wife.

Aquarius Rising
Our ascendant is ourself. Our body, our face, how we dress, our temperament, our vitality. This is the Elle you look over at, from across the room, and likely see first. My Aquarius Rising means I'm often operating on the outside of the rules. I have a keen awareness of them, of the structures, but I'm choosing to slip through the cracks of the stone walls and carry myself from the perimeter.

Ares, manslaughtering, blood-stained, stormer of strong walls โง Homer

Stellium in Aries
With my Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn in Aries, I have what's called a conjunction. It's not an aspect, but rather a blending of energies. Each of these planets rules over certain signs and activities in life. The Sun is the king, the spirit, shining a light on everything. But get too close, look directly at it, and you're blinded. Mars is the warrior, the active agent in this world, ruling over battlefronts. Mars wants to separate, to cut away. Mercury is the messenger of god, the Sun. Mercury is the filofax with reams of data, leaflets, facts and statistics. Saturn is the portal we first pass through when our spirits enter our bodies in any given lifetime. Saturn is the constriction and constraint. Saturn is my chart ruler, my personal deity who kept me close.
Venus in Pisces
Sensitivity, compassion, intuition. Venus is exalted in Pisces. She is the guest of Jupiter's second home, and he is a wonderful host, just as she is the most pleasant guest. To enjoy time together, there must be tenderness, the possibility to feel deeply, the chance to help the wayward or downtrodden.

The kindness and compassion of unconditional love is a driving force for my material needs. I need to be in love with my work, how I make my money. I need to love what I spend my money on. I need to love what I have around me. I need it to move me. I need my creature comforts to wash over me, to give me endless opportunities to explore every tectonic plate and deepwater cave.

Take me to the sea.

Heav'nly, illustrious, laughter-loving queen,
Sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien;
Crafty, from whom necessity first came,
Producing, nightly, all-connecting dame:
Tis thine the world with harmony to join,
For all things spring from thee, O pow'r divine.

โง Orpheus

CHART    โง โ€–

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