| | | | Liked by subpop and thousands of others hex part i. the juicery. it always starts the same way, and instead of bringing you a sense of existential dread, it has always calmed your anxieties. no matter what, this one thing will remain the same, this will be a routine that i can grow with, this will be something that will sustain me. so when the words ‘we’re out of celery, sir’ come out of her mouth they hit you like a ton of bricks. what do you mean out? of my favorite pressed juice? i couldn’t simply make it myself, i don’t have the requisite shaman wearing burlap? thankfully, the woman behind you in the yoga pants takes pity and leads forward to whisper the the high priestess of juicing. ‘we’ll get you a green one, it’ll be the same,’ the way she pats your shoulder like she knows your incompetence makes you feel the same sense of peace once again. just like mom, oh no... just like mom. from the people who definitely didn't bring you #nosimpseptember (we are firmly all simp all the time), join us for much more topical and feminist supporting #NoOedipusOctober | View all 658 comments | totalentertaintment4ev But I already told my mom she was hot today | OCTOBER 26