francesca twiss

full name: francesca "frances" twiss
hometown: pnw
dob: 1 april 95 (26)
occupation: "author"

aries ☉, virgo ☾, scorpio ↑ but please don't judge her too harshly, that virgo moon energy is strong and she'll probably sit in her room listening to the cure with an ireful glare at her own damn reflection. smells almost exclusively like fig, vetiver, and bergamot. smokes cloves, drinks salted black coffee, often found under the influence of dmt (i don't sleep, i just dream) ""author"" with extra emphasis on those quotes and without much in the way of Ambition. extroverted introvert where her energy is mostly tied to her surroundings and environment. pretty happy being absolutely average.

• frances was born in hey, she doesn't talk about that, but somewhere on the west coast to mary and gordon kelly. along with her elder sibling, fran enjoyed a vibrant and loving childhood. there was no shortage of love but a pair of silver spoons left the two kelly siblings rich in care and coin.

• as a young adult fran began writing, her fictional works ranging from pros and poetry to novellas and short stories. she has self-published a stack of written work and is currently working on a science fiction epic based on reoccurring hallucinations she has experienced wile under the influence of psychedelics. something something the fourth dimension, something something interpreted as the time coordinate in a space-time continuum, something something we created a simulation. don't worry, she's probably okay.

• at 21 years old, frances was released from a juvenile detention center after serving four of her six years sentence for voluntary manslaughter. frances doesn't share this part of herself with anyone. she has lied and continues to lie about her hometown, her high school, and how and where she spent the years between 16 and 21.

more • upon turning 25 and without having incurred additional jail time, legal mishaps, or violent offenses, fran gained access to a small trust managed by her grandparents. while this financial assistance enables her to focus on writing she does work (a handful of part-time gigs) and actually enjoys what she does.

• fran struggles to maintain intimate relationships with herself and others. she self-medicates her maladies and spite and is not an ideal partner in almost any situation except maybe low-stakes crime. she's wicked fun though, and has the best party tricks.