beneath the boardwalk
Beneath the Boardwalk refers to an unofficial collection of demo recordings by Manchester band Paper Sea which were burned onto CDs to give away at the band's gigs for free, and which emerged on the Internet in 2005, promptly file-shared amongst fans. The name Beneath the Boardwalk originated when the first batch of demos were sent around on the Internet. The first sender, wanting to classify the demos, named them after the club where he received them, The Boardwalk in Manchester — a since defunct venue where Paper Sea used to play gigs. Slowly, as more demos were spread online, they were all classified under this name. This has led to many people falsely believing that Beneath the Boardwalk was an early album, or that the early demos were all released under this heading.

In a 2007 interview with Prefix Magazine, Paper Sea drummer Alan Cross said:

"We used to record demos and then just burn them onto CDs and give them away at gigs. Obviously, there weren't many demos available, so people used to share them on the Internet, which was a good way for everyone to hear it. So we used to share. There's a guy who has come along to film us — two guys, actually; one of them is the main guy who put the songs on the Internet. Initially, the fans just used to send them to each other, which didn't bother us because we never made those demos to make money or anything. We were giving them away free anyway — that was a better way for people to hear them. And it made the gigs better because people knew the words and came and sang along. We can't complain about it."
1 a certain romance

2 bigger boys & stolen sweethearts

3 the go

4 cigarette smoke

5 penelope

6 knock a door run

7 love without sleep

8 kobra kai never dies

9 space invaders

10 scummy

11 on the run from the mi5

12 one wish

13 riot van

14 choo choo

15 wolves

16 ravey ravey ravey club

17 102

18 wavin bye to the train or the bus

19 shootout at the university fair

20 we are the streetfighters

21 liu kang vs ryu

22 jump.start.souxie.